
Which Are 3 Simple Factors That Affect a Weapon’s Range?

Modern bullets are able to travel hundreds of yards farther than the projectiles of early weapons. While modern technologies have played heavily into that, there are still quite a few basic concepts that also greatly impact factors that affect a weapon's range.

To start, we must first consider the true definition of a weapon’s range.

The range of a weapon is more than just how far the bullet is able to go.

We should consider the effective range of the weapon, or how far a bullet can go while remaining accurate.

At its core, the purpose of a weapon is to shoot a projectile accurately. Increasing the range of a weapon inaccurately would be useless.

The three factors that affect the effective range of a weapon the most are the weapon used, the ammunition, and the environment.

1. The Weapon

The actual weapon used has a significant impact on the range that the bullet is able to travel.

weapon used has a significant impact on the range

weapon used has a significant impact on the range

The specific weapon affects the muzzle velocity and the accuracy of the bullet.

Muzzle velocity can be defined as the speed at which the bullet leaves the barrel.

A higher muzzle velocity increases the effective range of the weapon, as the bullet is able to travel farther.

Based on the definition of effective range, the ability to shoot more accurately also increases the effective range of the weapon.

The first part of the weapon that affects its effective range is the length of the barrel. Generally speaking, a longer barrel will allow for a higher muzzle velocity and a more accurate shot. While there are some exceptions to every rule, most of the time, a longer barrel will increase the effective range of the weapon.

The effective range is also increased by the rifling in modern barrels. Most modern weapons have rifled barrels, which impart spin on the bullet. The spinning bullet is able to travel downrange more accurately, which increases the effective range of the weapon.

Best gun safe for the money will help you storage your weapon. That post will help you find the best.

2. The Ammunition

Full metal jacket ammo

The specific ammunition used also has a big impact on the effective range of the weapon.

Different grades of ammunition will have different amounts of propellant.

Commonly referred to as gunpowder, the propellant is the part of the cartridge that actually burns and propels the bullet downrange.

Ammunition with more propellant will have a higher muzzle velocity. As previously stated, a higher muzzle velocity will increase the effective range of the weapon.

Another way that the ammunition affects the effective range of the weapon is the actual shape of the bullet. Modern bullets are more aerodynamic, which allows them to travel further.

3. The Environment

One commonly forgotten factor that affects the effective range of the weapon is the environment in which it’s shot. Some of the environmental factors to consider are altitude, temperature, humidity, and wind.

Enviroment is one of factor impact weapon range

Enviroment is one of factor impact weapon range

Most environmental factors can be narrowed down to one more specific factor: resistance. More air resistance will slow down a bullet and decrease its effective range.

At higher altitudes, the air is thinner.

Thinner air means that the bullet will encounter less air resistance, which will increase the effective range of the weapon.

Conversely, at lower altitudes the air is denser. The denser air will create more air resistance, which decreases the effective range of the weapon.

Similar to altitude, temperature and humidity also affect air resistance.

Colder air is denser than warmer air. In cold temperatures, the bullet will experience more air resistance, so the effective range will decrease. Cold air also reduces muzzle velocity, because the chamber pressure of the firearm will be lower. Humidity has a similar effect. More humid air is denser, which decreases the effective range of the weapon.

Wind can blow the bullet in either direction. This creates more air resistance, but also decreases the accuracy of the weapon at longer range. If the bullet is blown in one direction by the wind, you are less likely to hit your target. That decreases the effective range of your weapon.


All in all, there are hundreds of factors that can affect the effective range of a weapon.

Modern weapon technology, such as higher velocity rounds and rifled barrels, have increased the effective range of weapons significantly.

However, environmental factors can go a long way in changing the effective range of your firearm, and they are often not thought of. The biggest factors to keep in mind when considering the effective range of a weapon are the muzzle velocity, the accuracy, and the environment.

What are your thoughts? Leave them in the comments section!

5 Frequently Question You Need To Know About Coyote Howls?

Coyotes are among the most common animals hunters run into both at home and in the wild.

They are spread across the US, with the eastern coyotes being larger than those seen out west.

Coyotes are interesting animals, and very vocal to boot. They are one of the few animals not easily displaced by expanding cities. Coyotes are often seen sprinting across roads, railroad tracks, even parking lots of shopping centers.

Perhaps their most notable trait is the coyote’s howl. Let’s take a look at some basics of coyote howls, and everything you need to know about them.

1. Do coyotes howl?

The short answer is YES!

Coyotes do howl, and because they travel in packs, they often howl all at once.

A coyote howl is kind of like a high-pitched squeal. In some ways it is similar to a dog bark and in other ways it is very different.

The howl starts relatively calm, with some yipping and squealing. As more and more coyotes join in, it starts to sound like a group of old people laughing hysterically all at the same time. In the most annoying, high-pitched laugh possible.

Many who live in Western areas like Colorado, Utah, and other states encounter coyote howls regularly.

Those that live on the fringe of big cities or in rural areas often here the howls at night, after dusk, as the pack moves towards their location for the evening.

Here is a great video of coyotes howling:

2. Why do coyotes howl?

The coyote howl is the main form of audible communication between coyotes.

Coyote packs, typically families, may spread out to hunt on their own.

The howl, in this case, would be started by a pack leader with the intention of bringing the pack back together again.

A prolonged session of howling may indicate that the pack is spread out. As more and more coyotes join in, the collective howl continues to get louder and more prolonged.

Embracing the true pack mentality, coyotes are territorial creatures. One pack crossing onto the territory of another pack (often a larger or more settled one) is severely frowned upon. This is a frequent source of why coyotes howl. The howl is basically a warning, as if to say “Stay off my lawn.”

3. When do coyotes howl?

The main coyotes doing the howling are the small group (often 2) of lead coyotes who are mated and head the pack.

Because of the way that their howls change pitch as they are emitted and pass through the surrounding environment, it often sounds as though there are as many as a dozen coyotes howling at once.

This is usually not the case when orders are being barked.

However, other coyotes will howl when they need to respond. If other pack leaders are in the area, they may decide to start howling as well, and this is when coyote howls really get going.

They can stretch across acres of terrain. In suburban areas, because coyotes aren’t turned off by the houses and development, this often causes quite a noise disturbance.

The lead coyotes howl when they need to alert the group to come back together. They also howl when they are disturbed or upset.

This type of howl will be done usually by only one coyote at a time, and isn’t meant to cause a whole chorus of replies.

If you are walking your dog and the coyote catches wind of it, he may emit a howl at the perceived threat. This can also happen when no dog is present.

4. What do coyote sounds mean?

Typically, coyote sounds reflect the current communication needs of the coyote.

Whether that be a warning from the alpha coyote to the rest of the group, or one coyote noting a threat.

It can also mean that there is a disturbance or annoyance to that particular animal.

Often, coyotes will howl to alert the group of a threat real or imagined.

Maybe a coyote is wandering around the edge of a territory and comes across something of note. A howl may then be used as a signifier.

Coyotes have great hearing, and can often comprehend a howl and its purpose from over a mile away. This is especially true during group howls, as the sound carries across the landscape. A coyote may emit a howl so that others in the pack know where he or she is and can find their way to their family member.

Here is a video of different coyote howls and noises.

5. What should I do when I hear a coyote howl?

If you hear a coyote howl, but can’t see the coyote, the first thing to do is keep an eye out. They are nearby, and are likely aware of your presence. They aren’t prone to attack humans straight away. They also spook easy and will retreat if they feel threatened.

In most cases, the coyote howl is internal communication between the pack and not intended for you at all. When more than one coyote is howling at a time near you, they are using normal communication to call the group back together or perform other routine tasks. It can sound intimidating, but shouldn’t necessarily be perceived that way. Coyotes aren’t usually on the prowl for humans in highly populated areas.

Still, it is advised to move away with caution. Absolutely do not run at the coyote or throw sticks or rocks at it.


This should give you a basic understanding of coyote howls and what their intended purpose is. If you are using ar10 rifle, i have the post about the best ar10 scope for hunting, you will find the good scope for your ar. 

As you can see, these howls are not usually meant to be threatening to humans in any way.
The coyote communicates with those in his pack regularly, and the howl is their standard verbal diction.

There is no need to fret when you hear a coyote howl. Instead, stop and listen and try to figure out what you think the coyote is trying to say.

Share your thoughts on coyote howls down below in the comments.

Also, please share this article on social media so that we can spread awareness of what coyote howls mean and break any preconceived notions that are just plain false.

Coyotes are lovely creatures.

Which SentrySafe Pistol Safe (Biometric Or KeyLock) is Right for You?

The marketplace for biometric gun safes is seemingly ever-expanding. There are so many products available that it can be tough to figure out exactly which one is the best buy. As an experienced shooter, I’m going to provide a full review of the SentrySafe biometric pistol safe, model #GAP1BE.

But first I’d like to take a moment to emphasize a couple important questions to ask when searching for the best gun safe for you:

  • Where will I store the gun safe?
  • What type of gun do I need it for, and what other material needs to be stored in the safe?
  • Do I trust the Biometric system?

What you’ll find here is one of the most reliable safes on the market, no matter which option you choose. I have the two pistol version, but have used the Biometric option much also.

I’ll break down these versions and the situations each is better for here in this article.

First, quick check 5 option of this Sentry Pistol Safe

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Biometric Gun Safe QAP1BE

Biometric Version

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Biometric Gun Safe

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Biometric Gun Safe

This is the contemporary masterpiece of the SentrySafe pistol safe line.

I’ve never heard of a standard pistol that wasn’t easily accessible in two shakes of a rabbit’s tail with this version.

I’ve tested this safe in a variety of different situations. Staged emergencies, calm openings, finger pressed at odd angles. The safe performed well in all of these situations, and I’ll break them down here:

  • Staged Emergency: Palms were sweaty, and following waking from sleep mode I had to press my finger down firmly to offset any grease. But the safe successfully read my finger and opened. I grabbed the gun with ease despite having perspiration on my hand
  • Odd angle pressing: This one I tried from three different angles. The first was slightly ajar to the left, which the safe opened fine. The second was slightly ajar to the right, and the safe made me try again but opened on the second try. The third situation was a roll of the finger, which surprised me because the Biometric scanner performed well. Overall, I was satisfied with the performance

The override key provides great backup access in the instance that your finger is too sweaty to successfully open the lock.

Scan family member’s fingerprints when you’ll be gone.

What you should do is keep a handkerchief either on or right by the safe and grab it with your scanning finger before trying to open the safe.

If you’re worried about sweat altering the reading, this is a great solution to the problem.

This product is the best biometric gun safe on the market now!

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe, Digital Lock, Single Gun Capacity, QAP1E

Electronic Lock Version

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe, Digital Lock, Single Gun Capacity, QAP1E

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe, Digital Lock, Single Gun Capacity, QAP1E

This version is basically the same as the Biometric option except it’s got a coded entry instead.

Set your code and be sure to remember it, because even with the override you’ll lose several seconds getting the thing open if you have to use the backup option.

I suggest keeping the code similar to a bank card or online passcode that you’ve memorized and will never forget.

The only benefit of this safe over the previous option is that there is no chance of the finger being misread, or of someone else opening it with their fingerprint.

You can give the code to your family members so that they can access in an emergency, which my neighbor did successfully while he was out of town recently.

His son got into the safe and retrieved the gun, using it in self-defense as a scare tactic but not firing.

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Portable Gun Safe with Key Lock & Tether Cable, Single Gun Capacity, PP1K

Keyed Lock Version

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Portable Gun Safe with Key Lock & Tether Cable, Single Gun Capacity, PP1K

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Portable Gun Safe with Key Lock & Tether Cable, Single Gun Capacity, PP1K

Some people just don’t trust technology when it comes to their guns. If that is you, but you still want the convenience of this SentrySafe product, get the keyed lock version.

The opening is quiet, and although it’s less quick than the Biometric version because you’ve got to put the key in the hole, it’s still rather fast.

One thing to note here is that in an emergency situation, grabbing your key and identifying the keyhole can be a challenge in a pinch.

This is especially true if your hands are sweaty.

Therefore, I highly recommend the Biometric version (or at the very least, the Electronic Lock version).

Your argument is probably that the technology might fail right when you need it most. But the odds of that happening are far less than the chances of human error – you mess up a lot more than a computer does.

I also always ask, if you’re worried about security, why do you have the key to your safe sitting on a chain attached to the safe? Doesn’t seem to smart, does it? Other than that, the keyed lock safe is just as good as SentrySafe’s other options. Here’s a great video review of the safes.

 SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe with LED Interior Lights, Two Pistol Capacity, QAP2EL

Two Pistol Capacity Versions + Led light:

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe with LED Interior Lights, Two Pistol Capacity, QAP2EL

SentrySafe Pistol Safe, Quick Access Gun Safe with LED Interior Lights, Two Pistol Capacity, QAP2EL

The TWO pistol capacity option is ideal for if you and your partner both need to store a gun with quick access.

It provides the same single-hand access as the other versions, which doesn’t really do much for the second person but is still convenient.

I call attention to the Sleep Mode – it takes only one quick touch to wake and be ready to open, but it’s important to remember that touch because otherwise you’ll go through the opening sequence at the wrong time.

If you’re an ammo freak like me and prefer to always have extra ammo available at a moment’s notice, than this safe is ideal for you because of the space it offers.

I own this version and only keep one gun in it most of the time, using the rest of the space for storage of ammo.

I have a large shelf in the bedroom where I’ve mounted this safe so that any intruder to my home will never make it into the bedroom. It’s quiet, but if you find a squeak begins to happen on opening, just take some WD-40 to the gears and you’ll be fine. 

It's also the best handgun safe for the money in this time.


SentrySafe’s Quick Access Pistol safe is the best pistol safe available on the market, particularly in its class.

The variety of options proves that SentrySafe really cares about its customers and their concerns.

There is literally something for everybody here. I always encourage the modern tech variety, and push you to consider the Biometric option for most situations.

If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share on your social channels so that others can learn of the different options SentrySafe has provided here. Leave a comment and tell me which one is your favorite!

Hunting a Coyote? Let’s Find How to Trap a Coyote

Is a coyote being a constant nuisance to you, your property, or your animals? The best option for you may be to learn how to trap a coyote. This is a tricky task, but it can be done.

I trapped my first coyote at the age of 22 after several failed attempts over the years. My grandpa had the method down to a science, but it took me many tries to finally get it right.

Here in this article I’m going to fill you in on how to trap a coyote, and mistakes to avoid during the process.

Identify the correct coyote.

Coyotes travel in packs, but are very individually motivated when certain instincts chime in.

This is important when it comes to how to trap a coyote because if you catch the wrong one, your damage problems are going to continue.

Before ever setting the trap, do some studying and observing of the coyotes in your area.

Most problem-causing coyotes are youthful males at the peak of their strength and ability. Because of their highly agile demeanor, these coyotes have enough confidence in their skill at getting away (mixed with a lack of control over their instincts) that they are more willing to take risks.

Once you’ve caught a coyote, look for tell-tale signs of livestock damage.

Check their teeth and paws for evidence of a killing. Check their fur for any signs of your property and your livestock.

Use a large quick-response trap

Some characteristics of the trap I always use, that I got from my grandpa:

  • 6-inch jaw spread. This is a minimum. Due to their speed and high level of awareness that coyotes maintain, you’re not going to fool them into stepping in anything smaller than that
  • Number 3 coil. This one is the right size and speed to trap the coyote before they have a chance to get their paw or body part out of the way
  • Any part of the trap must act as one unit. If you have problems clamping onto the coyote, the answer is to increase the velocity of the closing mechanism. I highly encourage you to buy a new trap from a reputable dealer instead of modifying one that you already have

Set the trap where there is evidence of disruption

Coyotes are prone to return to areas that have been fruitful for them in the past. Set your trap near the area where an incident has occurred. If you have any type of a livestock decoy that can assist the situation, set it up there.

Here is a video on trapping coyotes.

One place I really have found great is elevated areas. I like to place the trip off to the side of a ridge peak. Always in the direction I suspect they are moving in as it relates to where the incidents are occurring.

Here are the most frequent areas I’ve had success when working on how to trap a coyote:

  • Feeding areas. Coyotes smell not just your livestock, but their food. This draws them in because they sense the double whammy. When setting a trap here, be sure it is somewhere that your animals are not going to step in
  • Small openings. Coyotes work their way into holes in fences, yards, and other areas that provide a sort of secretive entrance and exit. This makes the perfect place for you to set a trap, because the only animal that is covering that ground is going to be the coyote
  • Trails and paths. Coyotes appear at night along trail ways and other more clearly marked areas that they tend to move away from during daylight hours. I always catch my coyotes at night when visibility is down and they are more likely to make a mistake. Paths make for an easier way for the coyote to get towards their preferred destination, and thus their guard may be lowered as they move along them

Confuse the coyote and lure him in

Try to catch the coyote when he least expects it. I’ve found digging a hole and basing my trap setup around that is a great way to get them caught when they can’t wiggle their way out.

Decreased mobility is going to work in your favor. By trapping them partially in a hole or by placing some feed in a hole just beyond the trap, your odds of success will increase.

Here is a video on how to make a dirt hole set.

Also, note the decoy strategy here. The more factors you have working in your favor, the better. How to track a coyote boils down to outthinking him, and taking advantage of him where he is weak. Hills, food, and animals are three of those areas.

How to trap a coyote: What to avoid

Coyotes are smart animals, in addition to being incredibly fast and agile. As such, any type of cage trap isn’t likely to work. The animal will detect it from afar and steer clear of it entirely.

Another thing to avoid is breaking the law. Depending on where you are located, there may be differing regulations and advisable procedures for setting, trapping, and handling a coyote.

Always check with your local wildlife department or animal control sector to find the best way to solve your problem.

Additionally, don’t set up your traps near dry brush.

Coyotes tend to stick away from these kind of areas as them make noise, startle them, and generally aren’t productive for them. The same goes for hay and other animal edibles that coyotes don’t like.

Do some research on what attracts coyotes in your area and incorporate those things into your strategy.


Trapping coyotes is tough, but by following these best practice your odds of getting rid of the nuisance will increase.

If you have to trap a few before getting the right one, so be it. After all, your livestock and income are at stake here.

If you have enjoyed this article, please give it a share on your social channels and do your part to increase awareness. Have a strategy that works in your specific neck of the woods? Check my recent post about the best gun safe for the money to storage your weapon of coyote hunting. 

Leave a comment below so that any in the region can adopt the same policy.

Glock 18: Some Important Things You Need to Know

The Glock 18 is among the most popular handguns on the market for its purposes.

The weapon was originally developed in Austria and introduced in 1982. I first bought a Glock in the early 1990s, after persuasion from a friend whom I’d been visiting the shooting range with frequently.

Granted, it wasn’t an 18, because they’re near impossible to get.

But it was a Glock, and my buddy had been using one for a few years and loved it. He noted that I would see an increase in enjoyment and accuracy during my shoots.

Let’s take a look at why the Glock 18 is such a legendary piece of equipment, and what separates it from guns that are actually available in the US.

What is the Glock 18?

The Glock 18 is a 9mm chambered gun. Made to be full size, these babies are fully automatic and thus fully illegal for the average citizen to buy.

The full-auto component is the main thing separating the Glock 18 from the Glock 17. Anyone who tells you they’ve shot an 18 is probably full of it and has probably only shot a 17. Unless, of course, they’ve got military or police experience.

Basically, the Glock 18 is one of the most badass pistols ever produced. If you’ve never seen one fired before, check out this video. It will get your heart pumping!

What are the Glock 18’s characteristics and purposes?

The Glock originally was built to meet the needs of the Austrian army after World War II.

Glock 18 Semi Automatic

Photo from video of TheFirePowerSolution

They were looking to upgrade their standard issue pistol to be self-loading and have a capacity of eight rounds.

The Glock, as it is commonly referred to as, is specifically designed to be one of the safest pistols available. It can be dropped from a height of over 4 feet without firing.

Additionally, the gun is built to resist just about any type of accidental fire. If you are have a glock pistol, I recommend you buy the best pistol safe for the money to keep it safe.

The 9mm Glock 18 automatic can fire 1200 rounds minute – not going to be easy to acquire that one! There have been different models and multiple generations of Glock guns produced over the years, none as legendary as the 18.

  • Recoil. As far as recoil, Glock 18s are the best pistol for a short-recoil operated semi-automatic. The barrel is hammer-forged and offers one of the past behind-ammo gas seals ever developed. For quick fire and ease of use, I’ve found my Glock 18 to be an absolute stunner. When I first started using it, it only took one trip to the range for me to feel comfortable with the process of prepping, loading, shooting, and handling the weapon. Because of its size, storage is no problem either
  • Feed. The gun feeds double stack magazines. The magazines used can be swapped out with just about any of the same caliber
  • Sighting. The sighting arrangement on the Glock 18 is a combat ready fixed polymer piece. The front is ramped, the rear is notched, and I have found windage adjustment is much less of an issue here than with other pistols
  • Fire. 1200 rounds per minute, fully automatic. Here’s a video of a kid shooting a Glock 18

Glock 18 add-ons and upgrades

Because of its popularity spanning four decades now, Glock 18 shooters have the luxury of being able to modify their gun rather easily.

I’ve got a tactical light on mine that was easy to put on the front rail and has made accuracy and line of sight a non-issue in most situations.

My buddy that got me into the Glock 18 has upgraded his magazine capacity. All this took was a trip to the gun store and a quick consult with the guy behind the counter. He’s also got a real nice pouch that he bought at the shop which fits the increased magazine capacity with no discomfort.

The manufacturer has released upgrades for release levers, trigger upgrades, and even spring cups that prevent the day being ruined by water getting into the firing pin assembly channel.

Not a bad list of ways to ensure you’ve got the best pistol available. Most of this stuff is a bit much for simple range practice. But us gun fanatics can never have enough toys to complete the setup and increase our leg to stand on in weapon conversations.

How easy is it to buy a Glock 18?

The simple answer here is: not very easy, at least for the Glock 18s of lore. Here is a quick rundown:

  • Glock 18s that were registered before May 19, 1986 are very rare, so I wouldn’t encourage you to count on finding one of those that is actually legitimate, for anything less than what you’d pay for a timeshare
  • Most Glock 18s automatics made after that date are only available to the military, law enforcement agencies, and specified dealers

The moral of the story here is that you’re not going to get one. Unless you’ve got a lot of money, power, or are in a law enforcement or military profession. But hey, we can all dream. Right?


I’m guessing that this article has you pretty excited about the prospects of shooting a Glock 18.

If you ever get the opportunity to do so, definitely take advantage of it. I’m a Glock enthusiast and can’t recommend it any higher.

Please help us share the stoke – share this article on your social media channels and encourage people to check it out.

Do you have a story to tell about shooting a Glock 18? Go ahead and leave a comment below and tell us all about it. I bet we can get a diary’s worth of stories here. Bonus points to anyone who has a story of using it professionally in the field – thank you for your service and we look forward to hearing your story.

Full Metal Jacket vs Hollow Point: When to Use Each and Why?

Full metal jacket or hollow point? This frequent topic of debate is one of the few gun-related topics that actually has fact-based evidence to support both sides of the argument.

I love hollow point bullets and carry them in my concealed weapon. I also like to use them out in the field, and will get into the reasons why in this article.

What many people don’t understand is that there are significant differences between these types of bullets. Let’s take a look at what those differences are, and when each type is preferable over the other.

Definition of Full Metal Jacket and Hollow Point Ammo

What is full metal jacket ammo?

Simply put, full metal jacket ammo is frequently made of a soft lead core built inside of a shell made up of hard metal such as cupronickel or gilding metal.

The general preference for this type of bullet often stems from the desire for increased muzzle velocity. These bullets maintain their composure and trajectory better than almost any others on the market.

Full metal jacket ammo

Full metal jacket ammo

In some cases, full metal jacket ammo contains a steel alloy casing.

FMJ bullets are incredibly strong – it is difficult for metal piercing substances to damage the bore of the bullet.

This, combined with the fact that these bullets do not expand upon hitting their target, makes them ideal for target shooting. Instead of expansion causing the bullet to slow and stop inside the target, full metal jacket bullets pass through and continue on a trajectory.

Full metal jacket ammo is cleaner than unjacketed bullets.

Everything within the bullet is fully concealed. All that has to do with the shooting process is smooth and straightforward, perfect for semi-autos.

For a 9mm, full metal jacket ammo is cleaner and stronger than hollow point.

What is hollow point ammo?

Hollow point ammo is preferred by hunters and those in defensive situations because it expands upon impact.

This type of ammo maximizes the stopping power of the shot. Targets are crippled and immobilized much more so than they are with full metal jacket ammo, increasing the odds of kill and of a successful hunt.

hollow point ammo

hollow point ammo

The expansion is caused by the hallow shape in the tip of the bullet. This allows the internal organs and tissue of the target to be severely impacted and wounded. Penetration is minimized.

For maximum power, many experienced shooters like to use jacketed hallow point bullets.

I personally have found these bullets extremely effective, as the added layer of metal delivers more impact than they otherwise have. What you will find as you progress as a shooter is that hollow point ammo is more versatile than full metal jacket in many situations.

For a 9mm, hollow point bullets are better for shoot to kill and self-defense situations.

Here’s a demonstration of the two.

Full metal jacket vs hollow point: When to use each, and why

Full metal jacket ammo has a bit of a sexy appeal to it.

New shooters are attracted by media coverage and the 1987 movie of the same name. It’s proven successful and useful in many military situations and other scenarios.

Hollow point bullet that has hit a target and expanded isolated

Hollow point bullet that has hit a target and expanded isolated

However, many experienced shooters as well as concealed carry activists prefer hollow point bullets. Let’s take a look at the breakdown:

  • Self-defense: Full metal jacket ammo is not often used in self-defense situations. Because it is a small-arms projectile, it can be used in concealed carry guns. These bullets are designed to move through its target and keep going, it often isn’t used for self-defense due to the risk of the bullet striking an unintended target. Use hollow point ammo for self-defense
  • Pass-through: Another fact about full metal jacket ammo is that due to the reduced expansion, the fact that they pass through what they hit often leaves targets less impaired than they otherwise would have been. When hunting, this can allow a target to move or remain slightly agile following impact
  • Quick feeding: Full metal jacket ammo feeds quickly and efficiently. Hollow point ammo is slightly less efficient in this category
  • Disco shooting and range practice: When firing at clay pigeons, you don’t really need the bullet to expand. They are going to break immediately upon impact. Full metal jacket bullets are fine for this, as long as there is no risk of unintended impact further down the range. The same goes for standard targets. Really, these situations are where specific shooters like to use what they are comfortable with
  • Hunting: In general, a shooter wants to maximize the impact of his or her shot. To do this, the expansion of the hollow point bullets is extremely preferable. I first figured this out as a kid hunting with my dad, and have never really gone back from it

If you’re planning to head to the gun store to buy some basic ammo for your concealed carry gun or next hunt, the best thing to do is go with hollow point. You’ll find more uses and will have less trouble locating waste and hit targets.

Here is a great video comparing the two.


As you’ve seen here, there is quite a difference in full metal jacket vs hollow point bullets. I hope you’ve gained a better understanding of them.

The general takeaway here is that hollow point bullets expand on contact and thus are more preferable for day-to-day situations because they reduce the risk of hitting targets downfield.

Full metal jacket bullets are stronger and cleaner, and generally better for situations when downfield unintentional targets are not an issue.

If you’ve enjoyed this article, please give it a share on social media. The more education and knowledge we can build in the gun community, the better for all. I’d love to hear about which you prefer – feel free to throw a comment down below and we’ll get a conversation going.

What is the Difference Between Semi Automatic vs Automatic Rifles?

.50 caliber machine gun

Are you confused by the difference between semi automatic vs automatic guns? What separates a semi-automatic gun from a fully automatic machine gun?

Both of them reload automatically, hence the ‘auto’ label.

The main difference between a semi-automatic and a fully automatic machine gun is that on a semi-automatic, the user must pull the trigger each time he or she wishes the gun to fire.

But let’s dive a little deeper into the two types of weapons and uncover other similarities and differences, as well as uses for both semi-auto vs full-auto guns.

Semi Automatic vs Automatic: Breaking It down

What it all comes down to is the ‘action’ on the gun. This refers to the operation of how a gun fires a bullet, ejects the cartridge, and reloads the next round.

Both of these types of guns handle the reloading part in an automated fashion. But the firing is where the difference is.

By definition, a machine gun refers to the fully automated version, which will continue to fire bullets until empty. Therefore, a semi-auto cannot technically be labeled as a machine gun.

  • On a semi-auto, once you pull the trigger to fire a bullet, the expelled gas from the round’s cartridge will eject the bullet casing automatically. Following this, a new round from either an internal or external ammunition magazine will be loaded into the firing chamber
  • For full-autos, this same practice happens. However, a full cycle is completed by pulling the trigger only one time. The first bullet is fired, spent casing ejected by the expelled gas, and a new round is dropped into the firing chamber. If the user continues to hold the trigger, the process will repeat itself indefinitely until the internal or external magazine is out of bullets
  • Think about some of the action and military movies you’ve watched in your life. It is pretty easy to tell when a full-auto gun is being used because of the rapid fire of the weapon with minimal effort from the shooter. Bullets are sprayed thoroughly, even as the shooter adjusts the aim of the weapon or of his/her personal stance. Semi-autos have a slower firing rate, noticeable by watching the pull finger on the shooter

Here is a great video on the differences between semi-auto and full-auto.

Semi Automatic vs Automatic: When Both Are Commonly Used

In the United States, full-auto weapons are typically only available to the military and law enforcement agencies.

The typical armed citizen cannot walk into a gun store and buy a full-auto machine gun.

The process of obtaining one requires extensive permitting and background checks, typically in line with the needs of the police or military.

Boy with ar 10 semi-auto gun

Individual citizens can attempt to obtain the permitting necessary to purchase a fully automatic weapon, but there is certainly no guarantee of success. Semi-automatic guns can be purchased by citizens who pass the background check and process for obtaining one, and cooperate with any waiting periods or restrictions in the area where they live and are purchasing the gun.

This video explains how a semi-automatic gun works.

Semi Automatic vs Automatic: Types of Guns

Commonly, semi-automatic guns are shotguns, pistols, and rifles.

These types of guns work well with the automated reload and have a trigger conducive to quick pull and fire. Some will be recoil operated.

This refers to guns that have a locked breach, and are auto-loading. The automatic loading cycle is powered by the recoil.

The force of the shot recoils, emptying the chamber of the used casing and allowing the new bullet to load.

Others are powered by gas instead of recoil. The gas yoked from the fired round drives a piston into the weapon’s barrel. This pushes out the used shell, making room for the new one, which is automatically loaded from either the internal or external magazine by pressure.

No matter which type of power a shooter has in their semi-auto gun, no cocking or additional effort is needed to load the new round.

Here is a video on how a full-auto AK works.

Semi-auto vs full-auto: The debate between the two

There has been much conversation back and forth about whether machine guns, fully automatic, have a viable role in society. If so, what is that role?

Outside of law enforcement and military, there isn’t much of an argument that can succeed at a legal level, at least not right now. But gun hobbyists and fanatics don’t need to get all up in a tiff about it. Semi-automatic guns are honestly pretty impressive these days.

What’s wrong with a little trigger finger exercise? As fast as you can pull, you can shoot round after round until the magazine is empty.

Plus, unless you’re in California or another spot that outlaws them, gun owners can employ a multi-burst trigger activator to make the shooting process even faster.

With these handy gadgets, recoil is a breeze and shooters notice a significant improvement in shooting speed without much effect on their accuracy – provided they’ve got the shoulder for increased pressure.

Plus, the skill of mastering a semi-auto is something that’s definitely worth bragging about if you can back it up at the range. Trigger masters command a great deal of respect in gun circles.

Many of today’s finest shooters use semi-automatic weapons with the speed and finesse of a machine gun – to the point that it takes a keen eye to tell the difference.


Semi automatic vs automatic rifles will remain an ongoing conversation in gun circles.

Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of the difference between the two, and of their important place in society. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share across your social media channels.

Remember that next time someone at the range starts rambling about machine guns, they are probably full of it. You now can correct them on the fact that a semi-auto is not technically a machine gun. The more knowledge in the gun community, the better.

I’d love to get some fresh takes on people’s favorite semi-autos as well as machine guns, so feel free to drop a comment below with what you’re shooting. Also note what you hope to be shooting next time you get a nice bonus at work.

Red Dot vs Magnified Scope. Which Is Better for Your Rifle?

One of the more common issues of discussion among frequent shooters is that of red dot vs scope.

Red dot vs Scope

Red dot vs Scope

Many hunters wonder which one is better for what type of situation, and if there is ever a time when they should be partial to both.

Personally, I’m a big fan of modern technology when it comes to guns, so the red dot puts me in a sort of heaven.

But today we’ll look at the what red dot and scope are, and what are the differences between them.

What is a Red Dot and what is a Scope?

So what is the red dot?

Simply put, a red dot is like an optical illusion. Inside a tube or other enclosure on top of the gun, a red dot will be projected onto a screen.

This dot, which is sometimes a line, reticle, or other red honing notation of some kind, appears to be at the same distance as the target. The goal is two-fold:

  • Help the shooter identify the distance between him or herself and the target
  • Improve accuracy and eye line by focusing on the dot

What about a scope?

Contrast this with a scope, which is purely meant to magnify the target and increase the line of sight on it by the shooter.

There is no red line or marking of any kind, it’s basically the same as looking through a telescope, magnifying glass, or other optical funnel.

Here is a great video on the subject:

What are the Pros and Cons of Red Dots and Scopes?

Pros and Cons of the Red Dot

There is a reason why red dot scopes have become so heavily used in the military and other high-pressure, intense situations. It is because in short range, rapid fire scenarios, the shooter can aim quicker, follow a moving target with more accuracy, and generally increase their odds of a hit.

The Rifle with Red Dot

The Rifle with Red Dot

The tube of light hits the concave glass lens. The light the shooter sees is the reflection of that light and for field situations, it really helps with accuracy and tracking.

I find that the red dots also help a lot with pinpointing an area on the target that I want to hit while the target is moving. Perhaps that’s because I can make the dot hit that spot for at least a brief second.

No matter the reason, I can’t get that perk with a scope or without using any magnification at all. I also like the ability to subtend either 2, 3, or 4 minutes at 100 years. I most often use the 2 minute option, but have found myself at 3 several times.

On the downside, red dots don’t help as much as a traditional scope with overall accuracy.

You’re also dealing with a battery that may cause issues. This isn’t going to be a problem for those shooters who are fanatical about maintenance and double checking that everything is ready to go before heading into the field.

You should choose one of the best red dot for ar 15, the best quality red dot has been list on that article, move on and get one for your. 

But if you’re sloppy, you may be caught off guard with no dot when you need it most. Here is a video on using a red dot scope:

What About the Magnified Optic Scope?

The biggest plus to using a scope instead of a red dot is that many of them have variable power settings, and can be adjusted much easier than the red dot devices.

The rifle with Magnified Scope

The rifle with Magnified Scope

Another plus is that the scope is more versatile for both close and long range shooting situations. The varied settings of the scope allow for easy adjustment to fit your specific circumstance.

The scope is, overall, better for accuracy and hit percentage.

On the negative side:

I seem to find it difficult to hit a target at the exact point I’m shooting for. While the scope brings the target into focus well, it does little to help shooters hit a precise point beyond making that point larger in their field of view.

Additionally, I find scopes to be harder to adjust my eyes to specifically because they don’t really do anything other than magnify and focus. I appreciate them holding zero, and am not trying to say I don’t find any value in magnified optic scopes. But for specific shooting in high-pressure situations, they fall behind.

Here is a video on how to sight your rifle scope.

Situational Comparison between Red Dot and the Magnified Optics Scope

Let’s go over a couple of scenarios here and decide whether the red dot or the scope is better.

Scenario 1: Short range white tail hunte.

  • The short range gives to the red dot.
  • The quick movement and easy startling of the animal gives to the scope. This is close- I’ve noted red dots ability to move quickly, but because the accuracy is better overall with the scope, it wins this point
  • The ability to hit the body where you prefer gives a point to the red dot here
  • Overall winner: red dot

Scenario 2: long-range hunt or hunt of target at higher elevation than the shooter

  • Need for increase accuracy gives a point to the scope
  • The flying target or uphill moving target definitely goes to the red dot, because you can follow the part of the target that you wish to hit with a higher degree of precision
  • The parallax issue comes into play here as the target moves further away or changes elevation. The red dot, as long as it is in view, can stay over the target and reduce the effect of the parallax issue. Point to the red dot
  • Overall winner: red dot


Now, obviously there is a lot of my personal experience and opinion in this article.

Long-time scope users will come forward saying that the long-distance competition should have gone to the scope. They are correct assuming that their comfort level with the scope is much higher than with the red dot. Other than that, I fail to see how the scope would win.

Overall, I like the red dot much better because of the parallax issue and short distance accuracy. I keep good track of my battery power and other small details, so I never have any problems there.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Go ahead and throw your comments in the section down below, and please share on social media. Let’s get a good conversation going!

The 5 Best AR Scope Mounts For Your Money

There are so many AR scope mounts available that it can be confusing to know which one to choose.

In my fifty years or more of hunting, I’ve tried a number of them, and today we’ll be discussing five budget-friendly options for scope mounts.

If you need assistance with accuracy, finding and holding zero, and a general improvement in your shooting, this article is for you. Here are the five best AR scope mounts.

Top Our Pick For Best AR Scope Mounts For The Money In 2019

This is my review about the five best AR scope mounts on the market, and it will help you find the best for hunting. Check out it:

1. Burris 410341 AR PEPR 30-mm Scope Mount (Black)


Best AR Scope Mount For The Money

Versatility is the name of the game with this one, the best AR scope mount from Burris.

For any shooters struggling to find the right scope mount for a variety of angles, this one comes in three sizes (1 inch, 30 mm, and 34mm).

You can have the same scope mount on different size guns and always enter the field feeling comfortable in your ability to hold zero across multiple options.

I prefer the Picatinny top because that’s what I’ve been shooting with for many years, but my nephew is on board with the smooth mount and has no problems nailing targets at 150 yards or more.

There are two nuts keeping the mount on the rail and they aren’t going to strip on you.

While that’s a worry with many other low budget mounts, I haven’t heard any tale of that happening with the Burris.

To further the versatility, this scope gives users the ability to mount on a variety of models and sizes, up to 50 mm without too much pressure on the piece.

This scope is best for shooters who spend most of their time at the range instead of in the field because of its weight

2. Modkin High Profile Weaver Scope Rings for Picatinny/Weaver Rail

Modkin High Profile Weaver Scope Rings for Picatinny/Weaver Rail

I’ve used this scope on my Bushnell 3-9x40 for many years because it is the best AR scope mount on the market.

Before, I was having issues with dealing with wobbly scope mounts that actually hindered my line of sight instead of helped.

This scope is securely fastened on top of the gun and never shakes. I’ve hit targets from 180 yards or more many times, and it’s a breeze.

I have heard tell of this scope mount cracking, but that is generally a result of improper installation.

If you know what you’re doing, you can use Loctite on the screws and shouldn’t have any issues.

When secured well, you’ll be able to hold zero with no effort and significantly improves accuracy both at the range and out in the field.

A secure grip and consistency are what makes this one of the best AR scope mounts.

3. CCOP MNT-1516 High Profile AR-ArmourTac Rifle Scope Mount Rings for Picatinny Rail, 30m

CCOP MNT-1516 High Profile AR-ArmourTac Rifle Scope Mount Rings for Picatinny Rail, 30mm

Best 30mm Scope Mount- 1516 High Profile Ar Scope Mount-

This product is another solid option for a 30-mm rifle scope.

If you’ve had problems in the past with cracked scopes, this is a great solution because the aluminum alloy is strong enough to handle strong recoil.

However, the downside is that it's heavier than many of the more expensive ones. Even with a lot of pushback, this rifle scope securely holds zero as long as you use higher quality screws.

I don’t like the ones that come standard, and recommend upgrading them before they become stripped.

4. American Defense AD-RECON STD Riflescope Optic Mount

American Defense AD-RECON STD Riflescope Optic Mount (Black, 30 mm)

30m Ar Scope Mount -American Defense AD-RECON STD

An American Defense mount speaks to the heart of the true American. The biggest benefit I’ve noticed is that AD-RECON mounts are the best in the industry. Heavy recoil will never be a problem for anyone using this mount.

If you’re shooting with a 1-6x24 scope or something similar, the weight of this mount shouldn’t offset the benefits—which holds true while hiking in the field.

The only thing this product requires is some Loctite and for the screws.

I haven’t noticed any issues with stripping, but just to be cautious, the Loctite will ensure  there are no problems during a high-pressure situation. Repositioning can be done by hand if you don’t have a screwdriver or tools.

The floating ring setup is an advantage for the heavy hunter and helps separate American Defenseman from other best AR scope mounts on the market. This is my second favorite on the list.

5. Vortex Optics Sport Cantilever 30mm Mount

The 5 Best AR Scope Mounts For Your Money

Vortex Optics Sport Cantilever 30mm Mount

This particular model is one of the best when it comes to precision.

The performance is top of the line, and if you want a scope mount that helps you aim far way, I think this is a good choice. 

It has a strong aluminum build that’s durable in the outdoors. Furthermore, it offers a choice between a 2-inch or 3-inch offset mounting position, which makes it incredibly versatile.

It has a weight of 6.7 ounces, and it provides eye relief. Not to mention, it’s affordable.

Head-to-head comparison

Two of the options here stand out as the best AR scope mounts: The CCOP High-Profile AR Armour Tac and the Burris 410341.

The CCOP is the one I have the most experience with. I turned to their scope mount to solve recoil issues I was having with my previous mount.

Since the switch, I’ve had no problems whatsoever.

My first time using the Burris AR scope was about two years ago when I bought a new shotgun that the CCOP wouldn’t fit— at least not in a way that made me comfortable.

I’ve taken it on three hunting trips and love the sturdiness, ease of holding zero, and accuracy at 200 yards. To pick between the two, I encourage you to purchase the Burris 410341 because I think it's best AR scope mount on the market.


If this article proves anything, it’s that you don’t have to spend big on AR scope mounts. These options are well-rounded, each with its pros and cons.

Ultimately, my field experience led me to the Burris and CCOP options that I’ve grown accustomed to. I’ve gotten both my son and brother on board as well.

I encourage you to do the same. If you enjoyed this review, please share on social media and add your thoughts in the comments below. If there is one that needs to be added to the list, let us know!

What Are the Best Shotgun Scope Options for Deer Hunting

What is the best shotgun scope available on the entry-level market right now?

There are a number of them, and most of them essentially get the job done the same way.

best shotgun scope for hunting

best shotgun scope for hunting

It is important to identify whether the shotgun scope you are looking to buy is going to solve your personal problems, such as increasing the line of vision, improving accuracy, or making the transition from the range into the hunting field.

The best shotgun scope for you depends on three factors:

  • What type of hunter you are, and your experience level
  • Whether you’re shooting long range
  • How important it is to you to have the top measurements in all categories

Let’s take a look at the best shotgun scope in those three categories: Shotgun Scope for the gear nerd needing top measurements/ for the experienced hunter/ and Shogun Scope for solving the problems of the everyday hunter

Top Our Pick For Best Shotgun Scopes For Hunting 



Nikon Prostaff Shotgun Hunter 2-7 x 32 black Matte Riflescope(Bdc 200)

  • Hi low mounts. No problems with clearance or mounting
  • 200 yard or higher moving targets.
  • Seamlessly consistent across both platforms, perfect for those trying out a new way of shooting

Bushnell 751432 Trophy Riflescope, 1.75-4x32mm, 1" Main Tube, Circle-X Shotgun Slug, Matte Black

  • Focuses extremely fast as the top priority
  • Sluggers find consistency across the board. The reticle is best in class
  • The light transmission is fantastic

Simmons 517793 Prodiamond Shotgun Prohunter Riflescope (4x32, Matte)

  • Perfect for short range hunting
  • This is the one scope on this list that really accentuates the ‘entry-level’ moniker
  • Perfect for twilight and early morning

Top 3 Best Shotgun Scopes On The Market 

This is my review about three shotgun scope options on the market, it will help you find the best for hunting. Check out it:

1. Simmon Prohunter Prodiamond Shotgun Riflescope (1.5-5X32, Matte)

best shotgun scope

Best shotgun scope for the gear nerd needing top measurements

This scope has a design and features perfect for a serious hunter. At this price, it beats expectations easily. You may worry a budget scope cannot live up to the more expensive models, but when it comes to this Simmon scope, you would be wrong.

You get amazing optics paired with durable construction for a scope that will knock your socks off. When it comes to the experience, you get HD clarity coupled with high-quality, multi-coated glass that is water and fog proof that provides for excellent views. It also features a rubberized variable power ring.

Moving targets are no problem thanks to the TrueZero fingertip windage and elevation adjustment system and Quick Target Acquisition eyepiece. The 5x magnification and 32 mm objective lens suit your every need when out in the brush, forest, or field. The ProDiamond eyepiece offers about four inches of eye relief for the entire range.

This scope weighs in at 8.6 ounces and measures 11 5/8 inches long. It has a sleek look that pairs well with just about any rifle. The combination of high-quality craftsmanship, sleek design, and special features makes this a great choice when you need a scope that can stand up to the demands of a busy hunt.

Outperforms expectations in wooded areas where you are trying to take aim for a 200-yard shot and the line of sight is questionable.

The light weight is wonderful if you worry about the overall gun weight and want to keep it low.

No worries about bumping or moving the scope as it will hold to zero despite rugged conditions.

  • Hi low mounts. No problems with clearance or mounting, you’d think this scope was developed by the gun manufacturer
  • 200 yard or higher moving targets. If you use the gun for long-range shots, this scope will be the best of the entry-level class for your money

2. Bushnell Trophy Shotgun Scope with Circle-X Reticle, 1.75-4 x 32mm, Matte Black

Bushnell Trophy Shotgun Scope with Circle-X Reticle

Best shotgun scope for the experienced hunter

Best Shotgun Scope for the experienced hunter

The best shotgun scope for those already bringing a level of confidence to the table is this one.

The Bushnell Trophy falls behind others in magnification and eye relief, but not far enough that a confident shooter won’t be able to hit their target. If you are looking for a scope that focuses extremely fast as the top priority, this is the best scope for you

Bushnell really focused on the windage issue with this scope.

Mounting and elevation are secure and consistent across different guns, as you’ll find that hi low mounts typical among entry-level scopes will do the job. Get 1 inch rings and a mounting rail.

If you hunt in foggy or otherwise non-optimal conditions, or at altitude or across widely varying different seasons, this scope will give you a consistent line of sight. It’s versatile. You’ll never find yourself searching for a wipe or needing to remount in a situation where the scope should have performed

  • During the golden hour (either morning or evening), the light transmission is fantastic. You’ll have the best vision of the season
  • Sluggers find consistency across the board. The reticle is best in class
  • It isn’t as versatile as it could be. Experienced shooters will have to use their skills to make up for the reduced magnification

3. Simmons 517793 Prodiamond Shotgun Prohunter Riflescope (4x32, Matte)

Simmons 517793 Prodiamond Shotgun Prohunter Riflescope

Shotgun Scope for solving the problems of the everyday hunter

Shogun Scope for solving the problems of the everyday hunter

While the magnification (4x) is not a speck above standard, Simmons outdoes itself with the 4 inches of eye relief. Coupled with that is the Quick Target Acquisition, making this scope a great option for beginners and regular shooters.

The imagery is good for hunters of moving targets, especially deer, turkey, and others than tend to bounce as they trot. So this scope is perfect for deerhunting.

For newer shooters, the windage issue isn’t really a problem with the Simmons. It is the best shotgun scope for them because the elevation adjustment system isn’t going to budge, no matter the weather condition or season.

I like how easily it mounts onto my 870 remington shotgun. The one issue I have heard about with this scope is hard recoil. I recommend shooters to really fasten the scope securely and double check that everything is lined up right.

Most younger shooters that aren’t able to suck up the recoil as naturally may see problems if shooting many 3030s or similar rounds. But for less recoil, this scope will serve just fine

  • Perfect for short range hunting. You won’t find a better scope at 75 or fewer yards

  • Improves accuracy greatly, another reason why it’s best for beginners. This is the one scope on this list that really accentuates the ‘entry-level’ moniker

  • Light is collected and displayed really well. Perfect for twilight and early morning

Finding their niche

The best shotgun scopes on the market are all sufficient at basic daily hunting and range shooting.

Where they differ comes down to the slight intricacies of the manufacturer and how the scopes handle themselves once mounted.

You experienced shooters should go with the Bushnell Trophy Shotgun Scope, while I strongly recommend the Simmons scope for anyone who hasn’t used a scope before or is new to shooting. It is the most basic of the three


Overall, the best shotgun scope in this entry-level class is the Simmon Prohunter Prodiamond Shotgun Riflescope. Its versatility, high level of magnification, and ease of use make it a no contest for those not willing to break the bank on their shotgun scope.

Mount it securely and do a test run at the range before bringing it into field, and you will find a pleasant, replicable experience each time you hunt – no matter the location or time. If you have enjoyed this article, please share on social media so that we can get more hunters to put thought into their scope selection.

If you are using a shotgun, please consider buying the best gun safe for the money to store it.

Feel free to leave a comment – I’d love to get a conversation going

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